
Crimes against Children 研究 Center
Open hands with paperdolls

Crimes against Children 研究 Center (CCRC) provides high quality research and statistics to the public, 政策制定者, law enforcement personnel, and other child welfare practitioners. 


For 2022, child neglect declined 6% compared to 2021 and child maltreatment fatalities rose 6%. 了解更多
This article addresses the topic of when Online 滥用 is added, overall sexual abuse rate rises to 32% for girls and 11% for boys. 了解更多


The University of New Hampshire is partnering with Common Sense Education (www.常识.org) to evaluate their Digital Citizenship Curriculum. 了解更多
SAARA was created to promote awareness of sibling aggression and abuse and provide guidance for how to prevent and reduce their occurrences. 了解更多
This study is part of a larger study that will improve knowledge about the impact on child victims of child sexual abuse materials (CSAM). 联合国的挖掘... 了解更多
Need for study: This study will improve knowledge about the impact on child victims of child sexual abuse materials (CSAM). Special attention will be ... 了解更多
This study aims to examine youth bystander behavior on self-directed violence (SDV). 了解更多